We are bringing you more of the newly discovered Fabula Rodonis peccatoris nequissimi this summer. This piece is entitled Pomum peccati (The fruit of the Sin). Enjoy!
I am currently a VENI postdoc at Huygens ING, an institute of the Dutch Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam. My postdoctoral project deals with the diffusion of innovations in Carolingian period and the role of intellectual networks in their successful spreading (or on the contrary the lack thereof). I have been active on Mittelalter since 2015 while still a PhD working on annotation practices in the early medieval Latin West. If you are seeking someone to explain you strange symbols appearing in the margins of early medieval codices, I may be the right person to consult. I have originally trained as a Latinist. My interests include Digital Humanities, medieval Jewish history and Judeo-Christian relations, history of science, and the study of early medieval manuscripts.
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren: Evina Steinova (27. Juli 2013). Fabula Rodonis peccatoris nequissimi: Pomum peccati. Mittelalter. Abgerufen am 20. Januar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/rgrs
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ZDB-ID: 2733724-8
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