Autor: Christian Lohmer

Different roles of Empire(s) in the Universal Chronicle of Frutolf of Michelsberg († 1103): ‘Contemporary’ observations, historical functions, philosophical and theological implications

Frutolf, a monk of the Benedictine monastery of Michelsberg in Bamberg, wrote five years before his death in 1103 a universal or world chronicle of about 300 folios[i]. In this compilation we can trace more than 70 different sources which...

Letters in Frutolf’s Chronicle: Entertainment, Information, Authenticity

“No clear line can be drawn between the ‘historical’ and ‘literary’ aspects of medieval letters…and their worth as historical sources must always be evaluated in the light of their literary character.”1 “The great age of medieval letter writing, [collecting and...

Bayern und die MGH – (Fast) 200 Jahre gemeinsame Geschichte

In principio erat verbum et verbum erat manu scriptum1 Im Anfang war das Wort, und das Wort war von Hand geschrieben. Im Anfang war es ungedruckt. In ihm war das historische Leben. Aber es war verborgen in Archiven und Bibliotheken....

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