Verschlagwortet: Call for Papers

CfP: Identity, Ethnicity and Nationhood before Modernity (Oxford, April 2015)

Call for papers: Identity, Ethnicity and Nationhood before Modernity: Old Debates and New Perspectives (CfP as PDF for download) 24–26 April, 2015, The Oxford Centre for Research in Humanities The organizing committee of the conference ‘Identity, Ethnicity and Nationhood before...

CfP: Cistercians and Canons Regular in Medieval Brittany, Normandy, England and Wales

Appel à communications Cisterciens et Chanoines réguliers en Bretagne, en Normandie, en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles au Moyen Âge Das “Ancient Abbeys of Brittany Project” hat ein Colloquium für den 1.+2. Mai 2014 angekündigt, das an der York...

CfP: Medieval copper, bronze and brass. Dinant-Namur 2014

International symposium: Medieval copper, bronze and brass History, archaeology and archaeometry of the production of brass, bronze and other copper alloy objects in medieval Europe (12th‐16th centuries)* “Copper and its alloys, bronze and brass with varying concentrations of lead, have...

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